How to put file to some ftp location

First copy the file you need scp to your folder(Here in this example its /Desktop/issue)
Then connect to Ftp server using following command.
sanjeewa@sanjeewa-TECRA-M11:~/Desktop/issue$ sftp
Then enter your password's password:
Connected to
You can view the content of ftp location by following command.
sftp> ls      
Then copy your file using put command as follows.
sftp> put axis2-1.6.1.tar.gz
Note that  axis2-1.6.1.tar.gz file should be located at your machine /Desktop/issue

How to use mysql to get first/least/max row per group

This is really important if you need to latest or oldest entry when there are few matching entries on the table. See the use case below

As you can see there are multiple entries per given BC_TENANT_ID please note that BC_ID is auto increment field. let say you need to get latest entry for that paticular
BC_TENANT_ID.So ideallt we can do this by following way.
1. select all entries per given BC_TENANT_ID 
2.Then get the latest BC_ID within them
3.continue this for all BC_TENANT_ID s

 below query will do this
select f.BC_ID, f.BC_TENANT_ID, BC_FILTER from (select BC_TENANT_ID, MAX(BC_ID) as minID from BC_SUBSCRIPTION group by BC_TENANT_ID
) as x inner join BC_SUBSCRIPTION as f on f.BC_TENANT_ID = x.BC_TENANT_ID and f.BC_ID = x.minID;

See the below results
so you will get latest entry per each BC_TENANT_ID
If you need to do further filtering you can do it following way
 if you need to get latest entry per  BC_TENANT_ID with BC_FILTER = 'Demo' and BC_IS_ACTIVE='0'
use following query

select f.BC_ID, f.BC_TENANT_ID, BC_FILTER from (select BC_TENANT_ID, MAX(BC_ID) as minID from BC_SUBSCRIPTION group by BC_TENANT_ID
) as x inner join BC_SUBSCRIPTION as f on f.BC_TENANT_ID = x.BC_TENANT_ID and f.BC_ID = x.minID and f.BC_FILTER = 'Demo' and f.BC_IS_ACTIVE='0';

Results will look like this

change the query as you need and use it.

Some usefull windows commands

If you need to get installed windows version and service pack name from command line use following command.

C:\>systeminfo | findstr /B /C:”OS Name” /C:”OS Version”

Then you will see output as follows
OS Name: Microsoft Windows XP Professional
OS Version: 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2 Build 2600

Alfresco on WSO2 Stratos Application Server(1.5.1)

Bit about products and terms
Alfresco is the open source alternative for Enterprise Content Management (ECM), providing Document Management, Collaboration, Records Management, Knowledge Management, Web Content Management, and Imaging. If you need more information on alfresco go to to their home page by clicking this link.

WSO2 Stratos is the most complete, enterprise-grade, open PaaS, with support for more core services than any other available PaaS today.Developers can simply click to add users and services, develop new applications, and manage their own setup. New services automatically participate in and benefit from governance policies already in place. In addition, new service versions can be deployed and tested side-by-side with versions in production, allowing traffic to be carefully diverted to newer versions

With WSO2 Stratos Application Server you can serve both sets of users and easily share logic, management, monitoring, and more. The WSO2 Stratos Application Server brings together the best of breed in open source technologies for Web Applications with Apache Tomcat, and Web Services with Apache Axis2.The WSO2 Application Server, supporting the development, deployment, and management of Web Services and Web applications, delivered as a multi-tenant, elastically scaling, metered platform.

To try ApplicationServer in cloud environment fell free  to visit this link

How to edit war file
We can deploy alfresco on WSO2 ApplicationServer4.1.0 and Stratos Application server1.5.1 both. In my previous post i have described how to deploy alfresco on WSO2 Application Server. Here i will explain additional details to deploy it on stratos. Here in this example we will see how to deploy alfresco on local stratos setup and later we will see how we can do it on stratosLive. First we have to create alfresco-wso2.war file by following the guidelines provided. Those steps are same for this deployment as well.please refer that post regarding those instructions here i will briefly list out them.
01. First unpack war file
02. Then we have to remove Catalina jar file
03. add mysql connector jar to the lib folder(alfresco/alfresco/WEB-INF/lib)
04. Add database configuration entries to alfresco/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/

Database creation
How to use WSO2 Stratos Data Services Server(DSS) for database
When we use stratos application server for databases we can use WSO2 Data Services Server for manage databases. It provides simplified user interface for users.
The WSO2 Data Services Server, a platform for hosting of data services, with service hosting, service testing, and message tracing features is delivered as a multi-tenant, elastically scaling, metered platform. Data as a Service exposes the data stored in a database. Database level operations can be done using the interface provided by Data as a Service.We will see how to create database using StratosLive DSS

First goto data base and create database

Then you will see database name and database url in user interface. Next goto manage

Then create privileged group.
Next add user and set privilage group. Now we have all necessary propertites for database connection.

Now we can use those permissions to database connection.See the following configurations

# Database configuration

Deploy on Stratos
Now we have fix few issues due to security related restrictions on stratos.  Though you can deploy above created war file on Application server you canot deploy it on stratos application server due to security constrains. you will see some error messages if you try to do it.For this problem we have 2 solutions.

01. Then you jave to sign those jar files with server security key file. Use following command to do it.
wso2stratos-as-1.5.1$ jarsigner -keystore repository/resources/security/wso2carbon.jks -storepass wso2carbon location_of_jarfile  wso2carbon

02. We can disable security from Stratos Application server by removing following 2 entries from file located at wso2stratos-as-1.5.1/bin folder.
# \
#$CARBON_HOME/repository/conf/sec.policy \

Now we can deploy war file without having any issues.Go to webservices refresh window. then you will see Alsresco service. see following figures.


Why tenants cant deploy it on stratosLive.
Alfresco uses wso2stratos-as-1.5.1/alf_data for keep alfresco related data. Each alfresco deployment we need seperate folder.If one tenant deploy it next tenat will not be able to deploy it because that olso tries to access same folder and database. according to stratos design multiple tenats can deploy same war file without having any issues. but when this comes to alfresco installation it fails due to the way alfresco deploy on server. By its design we can run only one alfresco instance on one tomcat server.So the best way to deploy alfresco on public stratos deployment is first super tenat deploy it on Applicationserver and allow other users(Tenants) to use it. 

How to install alfresco on WSO2 Appserver 4.1.0

Alfresco is the open source alternative for Enterprise Content Management (ECM), providing Document Management, Collaboration, Records Management, Knowledge Management, Web Content Management, and Imaging. If you need more information on alfresco go to to their home page by clicking this link.
With WSO2 Application Server you can serve both sets of users and easily share logic, management, monitoring, and more. The WSO2 Application Server brings together the best of breed in open source technologies for Web Applications with Apache Tomcat, and Web Services with Apache Axis2. If you wish to aware more about WSO2 Application server go to here
We need WSO2 Application server to use as application server
you can download it from following url
Then we need alfresco war file. you can download it by clicking on Alfresco war file or you can download alfresco file archive from their web site
Then we have to modify Alfresco War file in order to use it on WSO2 Application server. Alfresco war file has designed to use with tomcat sever. WSO2 Appserver has inbuilt tomcat server.we have to do few modifications to alfresco war file before host on Appserver.We will see those steps in detail now.
First unpack war file then you will see following three
Then we have to remove Catalina jar file from the that war file.Go to alfresco/alfresco/WEB-INF/lib inside lib folder you will see Catalina jar. Then delete it.

Database configuration change
Now we have to do Database configurations for war file.First we need mysql jar file(mysql-connector-java-5.0.8-bin.jar). Download mysql jar file from here.
Next we have to add it to the lib folder(alfesco/alfresco/WEB-INF/lib) inside extracted war file
Then we have to tell alfresco specifically what is our DB Connector.To do that we have to edit file located at alfresco/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/.
Add the following entry to the line 73 of file which is located at alfresco/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/
So we have configured Data Source successfully.
see the following entries at alfresco/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/

# Database configuration

How to avoid BindException: Permission denied
The SMB/CIFS server uses ports 137, 138 and 139, the FTP server defaults to using port 21. All of these ports are in the privileged socket range, so if you use these directly you will be required to run Appserver from a privileged account. You can run SMB/CIFS on non privileged ports on Unix provided you redirect privileged ports to the unprivileged ones.
Firstly ensure alfresco is using unprivileged ports:
    Edit /alfresco/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/file-servers.xml
    and uncomment

<tcpipSMB port="1445" platforms="linux,solaris,macosx"/>
<netBIOSSMB sessionPort="1139" namePort="1137" datagramPort="1138" platforms="linux,solaris,macosx"/>

Now we have fix all the issues in war file. so now we have to re create war file from the extracted folder. select all folders inside extracted folder and encode as jar file and rename it as alfresco-wso2.war. So now we can deploy this war file directly on WSO2 Application server.Copy war file in to /wso2as-4.1.0/repository/deployment/server/webapps or upload it using GUI. see the following figures.
Figure: From this window you will be able to upload war file
Figure: You will see deployed war files after refreshing UI
Figure : After clicking on deployed alfresco application you will see above window

Setting up database
Now we have to create databse for alfresco.To create database you have to follow next few steps   

mysql -u root -p < ./extras/databases/mysql/db_setup.sql  or type                                                   mysql> create database alfresco default character set utf8;
mysql> create user alfresco identified by 'alfresco';
mysql> grant all on alfresco.* to 'alfresco'@'localhost' identified by 'alfresco' with grant option;
mysql> grant all on alfresco.* to 'alfresco'@'localhost.localdomain' identified by 'alfresco' with grant option;
Now type show databases; and you will see following database structure

| Database                       |
| information_schema       |
| alfresco                         |
| mysql                            |
| test                               |

4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Setting memory usage of Appserver
Before we can start deploying Alfresco, make sure your server installation has a configured heap size of at least 256 MB. By default, Tomcat is started with the default heap size of your JVM. Usually, with these default settings the deployment of Alfresco will fail. Set following parameter at file which is available at #wso2as-4.1.0/bin
export JAVA_OPTS='-Xms128m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -server'
Once you finished database creation you  will be able to deploy alfresco properly. run and deploy war file and try the service.

Fixing minor issue after deployment
If you get following error we have to clear /wso2as-4.1.0/alf_data folder and we have to re create database
[2011-09-08 09:28:46,932] ERROR {org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader} -  Context initialization failed
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'dictionaryRepositoryBootstrap' defined in class path resource [alfresco/core-services-context.xml]: Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is org.alfresco.error.AlfrescoRuntimeException: Failure during rollback: org.alfresco.repo.dictionary.DictionaryRepositoryBootstrap$1@354742ee
Caused by:
org.alfresco.error.AlfrescoRuntimeException: Failure during rollback: org.alfresco.repo.dictionary.DictionaryRepositoryBootstrap$1@354742ee
    at org.alfresco.repo.transaction.RetryingTransactionHelper.doInTransaction(
To fix the above issue
Delete all the contents inside /wso2as-4.1.0/alf_data
Go to mysql trminal and type
mysql> drop database alfresco;
mysql> create database alfresco default character set utf8;
Then restart Application server. Then you will see deployed service if you have any problems or issues please ask i will reply you soon.

How to get back missed 3 buttons(Maximize/Minimize/Close) in ubntu 11.04

Ubuntu 11.04 is the most annoyed Ubuntu operating system i have ever found(OS should be there to help us not for bug us). This time with 11.04 you will see  3 buttons(Maximize/Minimize/Close) vanishs after some time.That was really annoyed after searching some time i was able to found how to fix it.
Here are the steps.
Go to system> administration > Synaptic Package manager
You will see following window.

Then select  compiz-decorator and tick it and then apply it.

So now go to command line and type following command

Then you will see those buttons come back.
Then you need to add this to start up applications.To do that do followings.

Goto preferences > Startup Applications
You will see following window and type there as shown in the below image

So thats it :)

How to get simple ubuntu 10 appearnce from 11.04

Did you messed up after new Ubuntu installation. Its really annoyed(with new side menu bar). i was able to fix this and get back my lovely ubntu UI. Here are the steps.
01. Type settings on search window(from menu search)
02. Go to login screen and click on it
You will see following window
Then unlock it by giving your password. Then select Ubuntu classic.yes you have done it. now you have to logout and re login. Thats it :)

How to Create WSO2 Stratos ESB proxy service and invoke by BlackBerry Mobile Client

This is very basic usage of ESB and you can do many things inside this proxy service(Calling few actual web services, mediate message, logging, ,message reformat). I used this example to just demonstrate how we can use ESB with BlackBerry client.
WSO2 Strstos
WSO2 Stratos is the most complete, enterprise-grade, open PaaS, with support for more core services than any other available PaaS today. The open nature of WSO2 Stratos makes it the perfect environment for hosting companies, ISVs and System Integrators to build and customize Industry-specific PaaS and SaaS platforms for vertical markets; for example, creating a Mobile PaaS for telecom companies.The WSO2 StratosLive Java PaaS, hosted by WSO2, enables developers to instantly provision and pay for just the middleware services they use.
Enterprises can use the WSO2 StratosLive to host business process flows between business partners as well as implement cloud-based services that access internal systems.Developers get all the benefits of the complete WSO2 Carbon enterprise middleware platform and the multi-tenant, elastic WSO2 Stratos cloud middleware platform without the hassles of setting up machines and middleware

WSO2 ESB is unique Enterprise Service Bus from the ground up relying on innovative Carbon technology to give you a smooth start-to-finish project experience you cannot find elsewhere.
Easy configuration through an intuitive graphical interface allows you to get started – and into production – much faster.
Lean, high-performance design conserves resources through maximum efficiency.
Built on the WSO2 Carbon OSGi platform: adding new capabilities as you need them is a snap.
In this post i will describe how to deploy a simple proxy service in stratoslive and how we can invoke it by BlackBerry mobile device. First we need to setup eclipse IDE(Which use widely in enterprise level to develop BlackBerry Applications) to develop BlackBerry Apps. In my previous post i have describe this topic clearly you will find it here.
First we will see how we can deploy simple proxy service with StratosLive.
First to . you can create new account freely.Then login to the system go to ESB home page. See the figure


Figure : Services Home WSO2 StratosLive
Then click on source view to edit configurations.
Figure : Edit window for edit source of Configuration
Typically the ESB is deployed between the actual client and a backend service implementation to mediate the message flow in between. Thus WSO2 ESB can accept a message on behalf of the actual service, perform authentication, validation, transformation, logging, routing based on the content etc. and then decide the destination target endpoint for the message and direct it to an actual service implementation.We have to write configuration for those operations. These configuration are written using the Synapse configuration language which is a simple and easy to learn domain specific language based on XML. It is always recommended to use the graphical wizards and tools provided in the WSO2 ESB management console to setup the mediation configuration, thus avoiding having to write XML configurations manually. But for this simple configuration we will use XML writing method. See following configuration.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<definitions xmlns="">
    <registry provider="org.wso2.carbon.mediation.registry.WSO2Registry"/>
    <proxy name="EchoProxy" transports="https" startOnLoad="true" trace="disable">
        <target inSequence="response"/>
        <policy key="conf:/repository/axis2/service-groups/EchoProxy/services/EchoProxy/policies/UTOverTransport"/>
    <proxy name="loginproxy" transports="https http" startOnLoad="true" trace="disable">
        <target inSequence="main"/>
    <sequence name="response">
        <script language="js">mc.setPayloadXML(
            &lt;greeting&gt;Hello World&lt;/greeting&gt;
        <header name="To" action="remove"/>
        <property name="NO_ENTITY_BODY" scope="axis2" action="remove"/>
        <property name="RESPONSE" value="true"/>
        <log level="full"/>
    <sequence name="fault">
        <log level="full"/>
    <sequence name="main">
There you will see EchoProxy which is use to set set XML Payload to response message.if you need you can do some thing more inside this proxy(Do Authentication check, send request to actual web service/data service and send response back).
Yo have to copy this configuration to your configuration and update
Next go to services and you will see deployed proxy service as follows


figure : Deployed services window to view Proxy Services Deployed

Then click on the service and you will see following window. There you can edit your service/ generate WSDL/ Try service etc... Then click on try it and test your service by sending request. you will see the response with greeting message

Figure : Service home window Edit and modify the service

Now we have created our proxy service successfully now we will see how we can invoke this by BlackBerry.First setup your Eclipse IDE using this guideline document.
Then download esb_client source code for here.Unzip it and open with eclipse ide.
You have to set your proxy service url properly in the code.for me it was"

In blackBerry mobile devices before send request to some url we have to append some part to it. It must contain [deviceside=true;apn=Apnkey]. When i developed my first application in 2009 i found simple solution for this.I was able to store some known apns with relative Mobile Network Code(MNC) and Mobile Country Code (MCC).
and retrive them when will see more information on MCC/MNC here[]. I have written separate post how to use that method, click here[] to view it. I used same method for this example.
Here we will do simple http get() to that proxy service and get greeting message. you will see very basic UI for service invocation.

Then build project and run it on blackberry Device simulator.
Go to downloads for your Mobile device.You will see SendT program click on it you will see the following window


Then Click on left button and press send request.Then you will see the status and response message as shown below
clip_image002[6]                 clip_image002[8]

so you can modify ESB configuration and client source code as you need for different kind of usages. if you need to test this program with actual device copy cod,jad or jar file to your mobile device using BlackBerry Desktop Software []. And install program to your device.

Source Code for BlackBerry Client:

package senddTpkg;

//@Auther  - MALALGODA S.R.B.(
//@Date    -2009/07/04
//@Project -Blackberry Mobile application 
//@Code      - Java Blackberry application to send Http request to WSO2 Stratos ESB  
//            proxy service
import java.util.Vector;


import net.rim.device.api.system.Bitmap;
import net.rim.device.api.system.RadioInfo;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.Field;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.FieldChangeListener;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.MenuItem;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.UiApplication;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.BasicEditField;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.BitmapField;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.Dialog;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.LabelField;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.Menu;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.RichTextField;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.SeparatorField;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.HorizontalFieldManager;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.MainScreen;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.VerticalFieldManager;

public class sendTCls extends UiApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        sendTCls theApp = new sendTCls();

    public sendTCls() {
        pushScreen(new UserInterfaceScreen());

final class UserInterfaceScreen extends MainScreen {
    String words;
    String apn;
    HorizontalFieldManager _fieldManagerTop;
    VerticalFieldManager _fieldManagerMiddle;
    HorizontalFieldManager _fieldManagerBottom;
    BitmapField _bitmap;
    Bitmap _canadaImage;
    LabelField _label;
    static BasicEditField _input;
    String _canadaCapital;
    int displayed = 0;
    private static final int IMAGE_SIZE = 2430;
    private byte[] data = new byte[IMAGE_SIZE];

    RichTextField rtf = new RichTextField("");

    public UserInterfaceScreen() {
        LabelField title = new LabelField("WSO2 ESB Test Service",
                LabelField.ELLIPSIS | LabelField.USE_ALL_WIDTH);
        _fieldManagerTop = new HorizontalFieldManager();
        _fieldManagerMiddle = new VerticalFieldManager();
        _fieldManagerBottom = new HorizontalFieldManager();
        add(new SeparatorField());
        add(new SeparatorField());
        _label = new LabelField(
                "This is WSO2 Stratos ESB Proxy service test program."
                        + " press the left menu and click on send request buttion then you will send"
                        + " request to Hellow Service. Response will show below.");
        FieldChangeListener listenerCanada = new FieldChangeListener() {
            public void fieldChanged(Field field, int context) {
                displayed = 0;

    protected void makeMenu(Menu menu, int instance) {

    private MenuItem _changeCapital = new MenuItem("Sent Request", 110, 10) {
        public void run() {
            try {
                String mcc = Integer.toHexString(RadioInfo.getMCC(RadioInfo
                String mnc = Integer.toHexString(RadioInfo.getMNC(RadioInfo
                String responseStr = getHttpResponce1(""
                        + ";deviceside=true;apn="
                        + getTag(ReadFile(), mcc + "," + mnc));
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Dialog.alert("Error In connecting=" + e.toString());

    private MenuItem _close = new MenuItem("Close", 110, 10) {
        public void run() {

    public boolean onClose() {
        return true;


    public String ReadFile() {
        try {
            Class classs = Class.forName("senddTpkg.sendTCls");
            // Source Package neme and Class name
            InputStream is = classs.getResourceAsStream("/test.txt");
            byte[] data = new byte[is.available()];
  , 0, is.available());
            String c = new String(data);
            return c;
        } catch (Exception ioe) {
            return null;

    public static String getTagFromStringXML(String XML, String TagName) {
        try {
            String returnStr = "";
            String frontTag1 = "<" + TagName;
            String backTag1 = "=";
            String front = "<" + TagName + ">";
            String back = "";
            String[] arrayGet = splitToArr(XML, frontTag1);
            if (arrayGet.length > 0) {
                String[] arrayGet1 = splitToArr(arrayGet[1], back);
                return arrayGet1[0];
            arrayGet = splitToArr(XML, front);
            if (arrayGet.length > 0) {
                String[] arrayGet1 = splitToArr(arrayGet[1], back);
                return arrayGet1[0];

            return returnStr;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return "";


    private static String[] splitToArr(String inString, String delimeter) {

        String[] retAr = new String[0];
        try {
            Vector vec = new Vector();
            int indexA = 0;
            int indexB = inString.indexOf(delimeter);

            while (indexB != -1) {
                if (indexB > indexA)
                    vec.addElement(new String(inString
                            .substring(indexA, indexB)));
                indexA = indexB + delimeter.length();
                indexB = inString.indexOf(delimeter, indexA);
            vec.addElement(new String(inString.substring(indexA, inString
            retAr = new String[vec.size()];
            int intIteration = vec.size();
            for (int i = 0; i < intIteration; i++) {
                retAr[i] = vec.elementAt(i).toString();
        } catch (Exception e) {

        return retAr;

    public static String getTag(String XML, String TagName) {
        try {
            String ans = "error";
            String front1 = "<" + TagName;
            String arrayGet = "=";
            String[] sssnew = split(XML, front1);
            if (sssnew.length > 1) {
                String back1 = null;
                String[] sss1new = split(sssnew[1], back1);
                if ((sss1new[0]).compareTo(" i:nil") < 1) {
                    ans = "";
                    return ans;
            String front = "<" + TagName + ">";
            String back = "";
            String[] sss = {};
            sss = split(XML, front);
            if (sssnew.length > 1) {
                String[] sss1 = {};
                sss1 = split(sss[1], back);
                ans = sss1[0];

            return ans;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return "";


    private static String[] split(String inString, String delimeter) {

        String[] retAr = new String[0];
        try {
            Vector vec = new Vector();
            int indexA = 0;
            int indexB = inString.indexOf(delimeter);

            while (indexB != -1) {
                if (indexB > indexA)
                    vec.addElement(new String(inString
                            .substring(indexA, indexB)));
                indexA = indexB + delimeter.length();
                indexB = inString.indexOf(delimeter, indexA);
            vec.addElement(new String(inString.substring(indexA, inString
            retAr = new String[vec.size()];
            int intIteration = vec.size();
            for (int i = 0; i < intIteration; i++) {
                retAr[i] = vec.elementAt(i).toString();
        } catch (Exception e) {

        return retAr;

    public static String getHttpResponce1(String URL) {

        try {
            HttpConnection httpConnection = (HttpConnection) Connector
            InputStream inputStream = httpConnection.openInputStream();

            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
            int C;

            while (-1 != (C = {
                sb.append((char) C);

            return sb.toString();

        } catch (Exception e) {
            return "-1";
 common APN keys stored in test.txt file
<310,4> verizon
<310,38>     AT&T
 Download full source code

How to develop Application Software for BlackBerry Mobile Phones using Eclipse IDE

Download Eclipse from eclipse-jee-ganymede-SR2-win32 eclipse home site

Down load eclipse Blackberry plugging eJDE-4_6_1_27_Component from

Then update eclipse IDE to develop BlackBerry Software. Use the following instructions.

Unzip eclipse source. Then run eclipse.exe

Then go to help > Software Updates you will see following window


Then Click on add site button. You will see following window


Click on archive and point to the Blackberry eclipse plugging and select it.

Then click on selected item and click install.


At the end you may need to restart the eclipse.

Congratulations now you are ready to develop BlackBerry Applications. Happy Coding :)

How to configure usage agent advanced configuration for data publisher in WSO2 Stratos - Cloud computing


I have discussed how to do basic configurations related to Stratos usage agent on separate post.If you need to aware more about basic configurations click here. Here in this post i will discuss how to use fine tune parameters for usage agent. As i discussed previous post usage agent is responsible for data publishing. Normally this publishing do after some data accumulation. based on applied load we may need to configure this publishing. Main cause for this configuration change is we saw some unusual CPU usage when we publish data. Because we fixed the number of records and Execution time.

Previous implementation of usage agent runs in 5 min intervals and this causes sudden CPU usage increases due to large number of records we are summarizing and persisting. To solve this issue, We use task which runs forever(until server shutdown) and persist small number of records in short intervals. Number of records and time interval can be configured via a configuration file.

The newly introduced configuration file should be copied into CARBON_HOME/repository/conf/advanced directory. configuration file should be named as usage-throttling-agent-config.xml. Default values for configuration options as follows.

- Startup delay - 60 seconds
- Execution interval - 100 milli seconds
- Records per execution - 100

If file is not available usage agent will use above default values.those values are tested optimized values for public deployment with 5000 active tenants. you will see following entries in usage-throttling-agent-config.xml file.


You can change values and analyze the results.See the following diagram for better understand of CPU Usage due to large number of records. These results may change due to the traffic to your servers and number of tenants.


Figure : Fixed time Publishing with more than 1 second delay VS Configured publishing with 100 milli second publish time and record limitation is 100

What we can Thottle in WSO2 Stratos(1.5.1 Release) Cloud Environment - Tomcat server Based throttling

What we can Throttle in WSO2 Stratos(1.5.1 Release) Cloud Environment - Tomcat server Based throttling
In wso2 stratos throttling we will be able to throttle few parameters related to service and bandwidth usages. In this post i will briefly describe the parameters that we can throttle with wso2 stratos 1.5.1 release.

01. Registry Resource Volume
    For Registry usages we will be able to throttle following parameters
     Registry incoming data actions - put/ importResource/ restore
     Registry outgoing data actions - dump/ get
02. Service Bandwidth
     Throttle the service incoming and out going message sizes to the  Web Services(Axis2 Service/  JAX-WS Service/ Jar Service/ Jar Service) hosted at wso2 Stratos
     Application Server.For each incoming and outgoing messages throttling agent check whether that tenant is exceeded incoming and outgoing bandwidths. then only that allow users to invoke services.We can use two parameters(incoming/ outgoing) related to service bandwidth for throttling rules. For this throttling agent use Handler extended from AbstractHandler and that handler act as a listener for service invocations.
     Service incoming action
     Service outgoing action
03. webApp bandwidth
     Throttle the service incoming and out going based on message sizes to the Web Application Archive (.war) files hosted in Application server.For this webApp throttling we use valve extended from CarbonTomcatValve.That valve act as a listener and check whether tenant allow it or not. Here we can use two parameters(incoming/ outgoing) related to webApp bandwidth for throttling rules.
     webApp incoming action
     webApp outgoing action
04. User Count
     Number of users per given tenant.

So all together we will be able to throttle 7 actions as follows for given tenant.
01. Registry incoming data actions - put/ importResource/ restore
02. Registry outgoing data actions - dump/ get
03. Service incoming action
04. Service outgoing action
05. webApp incoming action
06. webApp outgoing action
07. User count per tenant

How to configure usage in Cloud Environment using Stratos – User Guide


Here in this post i hope to discuss how to set up wso2 Stratos with usage metering. In this post i will mainly focus on how to setup and fine tuning parameters for usage metering. If you need more information on usage metering and throttling see my previous post from here. First you need to understand few terms

Usage Agent – Component which measures resource usage(use listening technology) and store it (Publish it to other server to record it).This usage metering process use some advanced listening technologies to avoid slows down or blocks entire process.

As an example let say some web service(hosted by is invoked by some client. so this invocation takes 100kb service bandwidth. So usage agent will store this entry this tenant( got service bandwidth of 100kb at this time

In order to usage metering work properly we have to do few configurations in stratos services.Usage metering is based on simple concept that is listening. There few listeners to listen the actions performed by user and those listeners  report what they heard to some other server(Business Activity Monitor). And those record will be store there in some ordered format.We will first identify those listeners.

01. Registry Listener – This listener will listen to each and every action related to registry(get, put, add, delete etc.. ) Then store them as bandwidth usage.

02. User Add Listener – This listener is there to listen user adding actions and keep updating user count of tenants

03. Service/Web App bandwidth listener – This listener is mainly listen to incoming and out going message sizes and store those data as bandwidth usages. For this listener usage agent use tomcat valve data statics.

See following Diagram for overview of usage metering process


Figure : Overview Of Usage Metering Process

Data publisher – Data publisher is available inside the usage agent.When usage agent starts Data publisher creates the connection to the end point of BAM. In order to do this we have to provide Server URL of BAM instance running on.Let see how we do this configuration.This usage metering process happens at each and every stratos service so usage agent is available in every service of stratos. You can see carbon.xml file in every service inside the repository/conf folder. In carbon.xml file you will see following entry


You have to give correct BAM server URL with /services part. you will see this URL when bam server starts up.Then only usage agent will be able to publish data to BAM.

Then these metered usage data will be available for any decision making process. Users(Tenants) can view their usage and super administrator can can view all tenants usages. Throttling manager use those records  to check whether users exceeded their allowed limits or not.

There are some other important parameters to configure for publisher.Those parameters are used configure to how we accumulate, how often we publish them to Bam kind of things. Since those configurations are developer level changes i will discuss it on separate post.

How to configure throttling in Cloud Environment using WSO2 Stratos – Users Guide


Here in this post i hope to discuss how to set up wso2 Stratos with throttling. In this post i will mainly focus on how to setup and fine tuning parameters for throttling and usage metering. If you need more information on usage metering and throttling see my previous post from here. First you need to understand few terms.If you need to understand more on throttling on Cloud environment please refer the this post on Amila Maharachchi’s Blog 

Throttling Manager – Manage, Evaluate what users can do and cannot do based on their subscription plans and their current usage.

Throttling Agent – This component detects user actions and allow them to do it or block it based on the Validation information generated by throttling manager

Usage Plan- There 4 types of usage plans available at WSO2 services. According to usage plan users will allow different volume of resources and service usage.(Demo/SMB/Professional/Enterprise). You will see more information on usage plans available at WSO2 StratosLive from here.

So we have to configure few things in order to work properly

01. How often throttling manager executes. Throttling manager periodically evaluates the tenants usage of resources(Service/webApp bandwidth, Registry usage, User count) and check it with their maximum allowed limit. After that process it store this validation data on registry. Here we can configure when start this evaluation process and how often we do this. To configure this we have to change configuration file( throttling-config.xml ). Before that you have to set up WSO2 Stratos properly(Manager/ IS/ any other services). Then go to inside of manager/repository/conf folder. There you will see throttling-config.xml file and that file has following entries.


<parameter name="interval">60</parameter>

<!--minutes = If This set to negative(-) value then throttling manager excecution will disable-->

<parameter name="delay">15</parameter>


interval parameter is there to specify the time frequency(in minutes) of executing throttling manager.According to this configuration it says execute rules after 60 minutes. With this configuration Manager will detect any excess usage of resources within one hour. after each 60 minutes It will call Data services and get current usage of each and every tenant and updating their actions(What they are allow to do or what they are not allowed)

delay parameter is there to define when to start first rule execution.According to this configuration server will run first throttling rule execution after 15 minutes time of server started.

15 minutes and 60 minutes are recommended values. But if you need much more accuracy you can reduce that interval value(But its advisable use some value more than 3 minutes otherwise it will causes to performance drop). And also remember reducing this time always causes to higher CPU Usage. If you don't need to run throttling manager you can disable it by setting negative value for  interval parameter. If you plan to run manager instance without throttling you can use this configuration.

02. How other Services allow to use Throttling manager. In order to  use throttling manager by services we have to modify configuration in each and every services that we use(Appserver/ IS/ BAM/ DSS etc..). Those services need to access throttling manager at WSO2 Stratos Manager. In that case we have to modify throttling-agent-config.xml file. That file has following content.

<throttlingAgentConfig xmlns="">



<parameter name="userName">admin</parameter>

<parameter name="password">admin</parameter>



managerServiceUrl – is the URL of manager running on. Manager services URL. you will see this URL when manager starts up at terminal. by default this will set to local host.

userName – Here we have to specify Stratos Manager server super admin user name (By default it will be admin)

password  Here we have to specify Stratos Manager server super admin password (By default this will be admin)

This configuration is used by other services except manager to run the throttling rules at manager. As an example when we try to add new user identity server will call manager throttling manager to report new user adding. Otherwise within one hour of throttling rule execution time tenant user may add any number of users. To avoid such misuses we use this technique.

03. How to write throttling rules. For each usage plans we have to specify the upper limit of resource and service usage. And then if any user try to go beyond that limit throttling agent will stop that action immediately. As example if Demo account is allow to add 1 users we have to specify it in throttling rules. You will see throttling-rules.drl file inside manager/repository/conf. At first time manager takes rules from that file and store it in registry. Only super admin user for stratos manager allow to change throttling rules. If you logged in as super Admin you will see throttling menu. by clicking it you will see throttling rules editor window where you can write rules. There is other blog post on how to write throttling rules if you are interested please refer it .

Usage metering and throttling in cloud computing - introduction for Users/Developers

Here in this post i will describe how to use usage metering and throttling in cloud environment. For this post i will use WSO2 stratos which is a complete Platform-as-a-Service for private and public clouds. Lets see how we do usage metering and throttling in stratos.

What is WSO2 Stratos ?

WSO2 Stratos is a complete SOA and developer platform offered as a self-service, multi-tenant, elastic runtime for private and public cloud infrastructures. What that means is that our complete SOA platform - now enhanced with Tomcat and Webapp support - is available as a  "cloud native" runtime that you can either use on the Web (yes - you can try it out right now), on Amazon VPC, or on your own internal private cloud based on Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud, Eucalyptus and (coming soon) vmWare vSphere. It is a complete Platform-as-a-Service for private and public clouds.

Download stratos source and more documents available at

Post on how to build stratos 1.5.1 source available at

Sign up for a free account at  stratos private cloud

What is Tenant ?

In stratos we used term tenant. What is tenant? it’s like an organization ( and it may few users (like departments within organization). There is administrator for each tenant and others are users. Administrator can allow users to use services and he is the person who governs the entire system for tenant. See following diagram for understanding tenant.


Figure: Tenant and its users

Why we need Usage and Throttling ?

WSO2 stratos throttling component is the only one tomcat server based throttling module. And WSO2 Stratos 1.5.1 provides many new features like metering throttling and billing. So with WSO2 Stratos you will be able to measure, throttle and bill the server usage. Its really important to have reliable billing/ throttling model for cooperate service providers. Stratos 1.5.1 provides complete solution for web services with pricing model. So we will look at this usage and throttling model in detail. So this process has 2 main actions.

1. Before user perform some action we will check whether he is allow to do it or not(Ex adding new service/ service invocation).

2. After performing some action we keep it record ( tenant used 100kb service Bandwidrh)

See following diagram for overview of usage and throttling.


Figure : Usage And Throttling Overview

Usage Agent

Usage agent is responsible for measure parameters and publishes them into Business Activity monitor server(Where we store data and monitor). for each and every tenants agent measure some important parameters related to their usage of bandwidth and resources(Service/webApp bandwidth, Registry usage, User count). This usage metering process use some advanced listening technologies to avoid slows down or blocks entire process.

As an example let say some web service hosted by try to invoke by some client so this invocation takes 100kb service bandwidth. So we will store this entry this tenant( got service bandwidth of 100kb at this time

Usage Summery generator

Summery generator component responsible for summarize captured data. And after collecting raw data we do sorting and summarization periodically and store those records in database. Those records are available per hourly, monthly, daily, quarterly and annually.

As example after hour we will put above 100kb entry to hourly table. Then at the end of the day it will go to daily table with corresponding day of month.

Throttling Manager

Throttling is used to avoid excess usage of resources and bandwidth. Throttling manager periodically check the usage records(The data captured by above mentioned usage agent) available and evaluate throttling rules and define set of actions for each and every tenant. These actions are contain what tenants can do what cannot do what are the error messages that we have to show them. Those rules are written in drools. Drools is a business rule management system (BRMS) with a forward chaining inference based rules engine, more correctly known as a production rule system, using an enhanced implementation of the Rete algorithm. Using a rules engine can lower an application's maintenance and extensibility costs by reducing the complexity of components that implement complex business logic. So inside WSO2 stratos throttling component is use drools for throttling configurations and provide user interface to change rules in easier way. After evaluating Throttling rules for each tenant we will store the validation information(What tenant allow to do and what should block) in registry with tenant ID

Example :Throttling manager check the monthly data available in monthly service bandwidth table and check the Drool correspond to that tenant(Drool specify the service bandwidth allow to this user and actions when limit exceeding). If that user didn’t exceed limit it will put entry to registry saying is allow to service invocation else it will put entry saying not allowed.

Throttling Agent

Throttling agent is acting as a supervising agent who check the actions taken by users. Basically this will check registry entry for given tenant (Put by throttling manager). To achieve higher performance throttling agent use in memory implementation. It will take copy of registry entries and keep it cached. So reading validation information from cache is much faster than reading registry.

As an example When some tenant/users try to invoke web service this agent check the corresponding registry entry for user weather he is allow to do this or not. If he can do agent will allow to do it otherwise it will prompt message to user saying the issue.

Empowering the Future of API Management: Unveiling the Journey of WSO2 API Platform for Kubernetes (APK) Project and the Anticipated Alpha Release

  Introduction In the ever-evolving realm of API management, our journey embarked on the APK project eight months ago, and now, with great a...