How to build and access message body from custom handler – WSO2 API Manager

From API Manager 1.3.0 onward we will be using pass-through transport inside API Manager. Normally in passthrough we do not build message body. When we use pass-through you need to build message inside handler to access message body. But please note that this is bit costly operations when we compare it with the default mediation. Actually we introduced pass-through transport to improve performance of gateway. There we do not build or touch message body. Add followings to your handler to see message body.


Add following dependency to your handler implementation project


Then import RelayUtils to handler as follows.
import org.apache.synapse.transport.passthru.util.RelayUtils;

Then build message before process message body as follows(add try catch blocks when needed).

Then you will be able to access message body as follows.

How to clear token cache in gateway nodes – API Manager 1.7.0 distributed deployment


In API Manager deployments we need to clear gateway cache when we regenerate application tokens from API store user interface(or calling revoke API).  So we added new configuration for that in API Manager 1.7.0. Lets see how we can apply it and use.

01. If we generate new application access token from ui old tokens remain as active in gateway cache.

02. If we use revoke API deployed in gateway it will clear only super tenants cache.

To address these issues recently we introduced new parameter named RevokeAPIURL. In distributed deployment we need to configure this parameter in API key manager node. Then it will call API pointed by RevokeAPIURL parameter. RevokeAPIURL parameter should be pointed to revoke API deployed API gateway node. If it is gateway clustered we can point to one node. So from this release(1.7.0) on ward all revoke requests will route to oauth service through revoke API deployed in API manager. When revoke response route through revoke API cache clear handler will invoke. Then it will extract relevant information form transport headers and clear associated cache entries. In distributed deployment we should configure followings.

01. In key manager node, point gateway API revoke end point as follows.

<!-- This the API URL for revoke API. When we revoke tokens revoke requests should go through this

             API deployed in API gateway. Then it will do cache invalidations related to revoked tokens.

    In distributed deployment we should configure this property in key manager node by pointing

    gateway https url. Also please note that we should point gateway revoke service to key manager-->


02. In API gateway revoke API should be pointed to oauth application deployed in key manager node.

  <api name="_WSO2AMRevokeAPI_" context="/revoke">

        <resource methods="POST" url-mapping="/*" faultSequence="_token_fault_">




                        <address uri=""/>









            <handler class="org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.gateway.handlers.ext.APIManagerCacheExtensionHandler"/>



Empowering the Future of API Management: Unveiling the Journey of WSO2 API Platform for Kubernetes (APK) Project and the Anticipated Alpha Release

  Introduction In the ever-evolving realm of API management, our journey embarked on the APK project eight months ago, and now, with great a...