WSO2 API Manager based solutions frequently asked questions and answers for them - 02

Capability to create, manage and deploy both sandbox environments and production environments?
It is possible to manage a Sandbox and a Production environment simultaneously. Each of these environments can have its own API Gateway.

Can deploy application(s)/project(s) from one environment to another environment?
Applications and subscriptions cannot be migrate from one environment to another directly. But a RESTful API is available to get a list of applications and recreate them in another environment. However APIs can be imported/exported from one environment to another OOTB.

Capability to apply throttling to APIs and route the calls for different API endpoints?
Supported, Throttling can be applied to APIs based on a simple throttling rule such as number of requests allowed per minute or based on a complex rule which can consider multiple parameters such as payload size and requests per minute when throttling API calls.
API Gateway can apply throttling policies for different APIs and route the API calls for the relevant back end.

Supports  various versioning including URL, HTTP header, and Query parameter(s)?
API Manager supports URL based versioning strategy. If need we can implement our own

Capability to support API life cycle management including 'create', 'publish', 'block', and 'retire' activities?
API life cycle can be managed by the API Manager. By default it supports Created, Published, Depreciated, Blocked and Retired stages.

Can it manage API traffic by environments (i.e. sandbox, production etc.) and by Gateway?
Supported,Multiple API Gateways can be setup for Sandbox and Production environments to handle traffic of each environment separately.

Does it have throttling limit support?
Supported, Throttling enables users to create more complex policies by mixing and matching different attributes available in the message. Moreover, it supports throttling scenarios based on almost all header details. WSO2 API Manager 2.0 offers more flexibility when it comes to defining rules. In addition, the blocking feature will be very useful as well to protect servers from common attacks and abuse by users.

Provides rate limiting support?
Supported, rate limit support is available in the API Manager.

Capability to horizontally scale traffic in a clustered environment
Supported, a API Manager instance can handle over 3500 transactions per second when its fully optimized.

Support local caching for API responses (i.e. in non-clustered environment or when clustering not activated)?
Supported, it is possible to enable or disable API response caching for each API exposed.

Support distributed caching for API responses amongst nodes within a cluster?
Supported, caching is distributed to all Gateway nodes in the cluster.

Capability of auto-scaling via adding new nodes based on load ( i.e. auto spawning new instances and add to cluster)?
Autoscaling should be supported at underlying infrastructure level. The cluster allows any new node to join or leave the cluster whenever required.

Supports conversion from SOAP to REST?
Supported, SOAP to REST conversion is supported

Supports conversion from XML to JSON and JSON to XML within request and response payloads?
Supported, it is possible to convert the request and payload from XML to JSON and vice versa.

Supports redirecting API calls via the rewriting of URLs?
URL rewriting is supported with this it is possible to change final API destination dynamically based on a predefined condition and route requests. It is also possible to define parameterized URLs which can resolve a value in runtime according to an environment variable.

Ability to parse inbound URL for params including query parameters?
Supported, Query parameter, path parameter reading and modifications can be done before a request is sent to the backend.

Visual development, rapid mapping of activities and data?
Visual development and visual data mapper is available to develop the mediation sequences required. The visual development would be done via WSO2 Developer Studio which an Eclipse based IDE.

Custom activity - define custom code with input/output interface?
Supported, Custom code can be written as Java or Java scripts.

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